Friday, December 27, 2019

Top Criteria for Choosing a Law School

Choosing a law school is one of the most important decisions youll make in your life. First, you need to narrow down your list of potential schools; even applying to schools can get expensive with application fees up to $70 and $80. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that Ivy League law schools are the only ones worth attending, though, as you can get a great legal education at many schools across the country--and you just may find that one of those is actually a better fit for you by considering: 10 Criteria for Choosing a Law School Admissions Criteria:Â  Your undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores are the most important factors in your application, so look for law schools that line up with your numbers. Dont limit yourself to just those schools, though, as other aspects of your application just may sway an admissions committee to take a chance on you. Divide your list into a dream (a stretch that youd get in), core (line up with your credentials) and safety (very likely to get in) schools to give yourself choices.Financial Considerations:Â  Just because a school has a high price tag doesnt mean its the best for you and your interests. No matter where you go, law school is expensive. Some schools can be downright bargains, though, especially if you can get a scholarship or other financial aid that doesnt include loans like scholarships and grants. When looking at finances, dont forget that most schools have fees beyond standard tuition. Also, if your school is in a large city, remember the cost of living will likel y be higher than in a smaller location.Geographic Location:Â  You dont have to go to law school where youll want to take the bar exam and/or practice, but you do have to live in that location for at least three years. Do you want an urban atmosphere? Do you hate cold weather? Do you want to be near your family? Do you want to make connections in the community that you’ll be able to use in the future?Career Services:Â  Be sure to find out about job placement rate and the percentages of graduates who move on to careers in what you think might be your chosen field, whether it’s a small, medium or large firm, a judicial clerkship, or a position in public interest, academia or the business sector.Faculty:Â  What is the student to faculty ratio? What are the credentials of the faculty members? Is there a high turn-over rate? Do they publish many articles? Will you be learning from tenured faculty or from associate professors? Are professors accessible to their students an d do they employ student research assistants?Curriculum:Â  Along with first-year courses, look at what courses are offered for your second and third years and how often. If youre interested in pursuing a joint or dual degree, or in studying abroad, be sure to compare that information as well. You also may be interested in whether Moot Court, writing seminars or trial advocacy is required, and what student journals, such as Law Review, are published at each school. Clinics are another consideration. Now offered by many law schools, clinics can provide students real-world legal experience through hands-on work in a variety of disciplines, so you may want to investigate what opportunities are available.Bar Exam Passage Rate:Â  You definitely want the odds in your favor when taking the bar exam, so look for schools with high bar passage rates. You can also compare the schools bar passage with the overall passage rate for that state to see how your potential schools test-takers stack u p against students from other schools taking the same exam.Class Size:Â  If you know you learn best in smaller settings, be sure to look for schools with lower enrollment numbers. If you like the challenge of swimming in a big pond, you should be looking for schools with higher enrollment numbers.Diversity of Student Body:Â  Included here is not only race and sex, but also age; if you are a student entering law school after many years away or returning as a part-time law student, you might want to pay attention to schools that have higher numbers of students who didnt come directly from undergrad. Many schools also list the most popular majors among students, as well as types of previous work experience.Campus Facilities:Â  What is the law school building like? Are there enough windows? Do you need them? What about computer access? What is the campus like? Do you feel comfortable there? Will you have access to university facilities such as the gym, pool and other recreational act ivities? Is there public or university transportation available?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

We Must Stop Climate Change - 1441 Words

There are many efforts that the American people are putting forth to help the environment. One effort will not suffice. Not only must changes be made to individual lifestyles, which means people must pressure friends, family, and neighbors to make changes, but political pressure must also be included in those efforts, especially on the senators from the coal-producing Midwestern states. This will still not be enough, and Americans will need to boycott all companies that are not behind efforts to prevent climate change. Finally, all of this activity will have to be monitored, and Americans must take responsibility for the level of activity in their state, their city or town, and their neighborhood and block. All In: What Americans Can†¦show more content†¦Americans can take specific actions to make an impact in the struggle to prevent catastrophic climate change through man-made emissions. The political will appears to be lacking by members of Congress, which leaves Americans two choices. The first is to make change outside of the political system. The second is to create the will for change within Congress by creating pressure. Global Footprint The Lord placed Adam and Eve in the garden to tend and take care of its contents. As the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve we must tend to the garden. Our world is precious and America has been put in a negative light. The Gospel has been taken out of our government and that is the last thing America needs. Congress has been swayed by monetary gains when they should be making steps to incorporate the gospel into the final choices. America s outsized footprint in global greenhouse gas emissions is undeniable. The United States is 4 percent of the global population but is responsible for 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions (Hinkle, n.d.). U.S. carbon dioxide emissions average out to 20 tons per person per year, which is six times that of the global average (Hinkle, n.d.). The size of that impact is a compelling reason for Americans to take action. Our individual

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Albert Speer free essay sample

He was seen as the Nazi who said sorry as he accepted responsibility at the Nuremburg trials. However, many people also view him as the ‘disingenuous liar’ who lied to evade a death sentence in Nuremberg and his extent of involvement and knowledge of the treatment of Jews are still debated. Speer himself endeavoured to create an image of himself as a ‘good Nazi’ and that he was merely an ambitious architect who had been misguided into inner circles of Nazi politics. Early life: Speer was born on 19 March, 1905, in Mannheim, Germany into an upper middle class family. He was the second of three boys of Albert Senior and Lina Speer. His father invested in property and land, thus allowing their family to avoid the disastrous effects of the hyperinflation in 1923 and the depression of 1930. Speer, although lived a comfortable lifestyle, experienced a loveless childhood. His parent and siblings were cold and detached towards him. We will write a custom essay sample on Albert Speer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Historian Dan van der Vat believes that the coldness in his childhood background trained him for his emotional indifference and lack of empathy. After graduating as an architect in 1927 at the Technical University of Berlin, Speer began to work as Professor Tessenow’s assistant. Speer was quite an apolitical but was persuaded to attend a Nazi rally where Hitler would be talking. Speer was moved by Hitler’s speech and entranced by his charismatic personality. He became a member of the Nazi party on 1st March 1931.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

J.S. Mill and Morally Free Individuals free essay sample

A look at the main point of J.S. Mills book, In Liberty and Necessity. This paper looks at the J.S. Mill book, In Liberty and Necessity. The author stresses a key point in Mills argument on moral freedom; that it is essential that people have the opportunity to make choices regardless of others to a certain degree, which goes along with the idea of moral conscience. In Liberty and Necessity, Mill argues that morally free individuals have the capacity to modify and command their own character and that the completely free individual is a person of confirmed virtue. In chapter 3 of On Liberty, Mill identifies those circumstances essential to the pursuit of moral freedom. He is emphatic on the idea that humanity should not perpetuate a conformist society and that people should allow themselves to be directed by their self-will and strong desires irrespective of whether they are positively or negatively guided. We will write a custom essay sample on J.S. Mill and Morally Free Individuals or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this chapter, Mill also recognizes the limitations that society imposes on an individuals liberty. In stating requirements for liberty, Mill identifies the actions that allow all individuals the opportunity to gain moral freedom.