Wednesday, December 18, 2019

We Must Stop Climate Change - 1441 Words

There are many efforts that the American people are putting forth to help the environment. One effort will not suffice. Not only must changes be made to individual lifestyles, which means people must pressure friends, family, and neighbors to make changes, but political pressure must also be included in those efforts, especially on the senators from the coal-producing Midwestern states. This will still not be enough, and Americans will need to boycott all companies that are not behind efforts to prevent climate change. Finally, all of this activity will have to be monitored, and Americans must take responsibility for the level of activity in their state, their city or town, and their neighborhood and block. All In: What Americans Can†¦show more content†¦Americans can take specific actions to make an impact in the struggle to prevent catastrophic climate change through man-made emissions. The political will appears to be lacking by members of Congress, which leaves Americans two choices. The first is to make change outside of the political system. The second is to create the will for change within Congress by creating pressure. Global Footprint The Lord placed Adam and Eve in the garden to tend and take care of its contents. As the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve we must tend to the garden. Our world is precious and America has been put in a negative light. The Gospel has been taken out of our government and that is the last thing America needs. Congress has been swayed by monetary gains when they should be making steps to incorporate the gospel into the final choices. America s outsized footprint in global greenhouse gas emissions is undeniable. The United States is 4 percent of the global population but is responsible for 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions (Hinkle, n.d.). U.S. carbon dioxide emissions average out to 20 tons per person per year, which is six times that of the global average (Hinkle, n.d.). The size of that impact is a compelling reason for Americans to take action. Our individual

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