Friday, December 27, 2019

Top Criteria for Choosing a Law School

Choosing a law school is one of the most important decisions youll make in your life. First, you need to narrow down your list of potential schools; even applying to schools can get expensive with application fees up to $70 and $80. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that Ivy League law schools are the only ones worth attending, though, as you can get a great legal education at many schools across the country--and you just may find that one of those is actually a better fit for you by considering: 10 Criteria for Choosing a Law School Admissions Criteria:Â  Your undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores are the most important factors in your application, so look for law schools that line up with your numbers. Dont limit yourself to just those schools, though, as other aspects of your application just may sway an admissions committee to take a chance on you. Divide your list into a dream (a stretch that youd get in), core (line up with your credentials) and safety (very likely to get in) schools to give yourself choices.Financial Considerations:Â  Just because a school has a high price tag doesnt mean its the best for you and your interests. No matter where you go, law school is expensive. Some schools can be downright bargains, though, especially if you can get a scholarship or other financial aid that doesnt include loans like scholarships and grants. When looking at finances, dont forget that most schools have fees beyond standard tuition. Also, if your school is in a large city, remember the cost of living will likel y be higher than in a smaller location.Geographic Location:Â  You dont have to go to law school where youll want to take the bar exam and/or practice, but you do have to live in that location for at least three years. Do you want an urban atmosphere? Do you hate cold weather? Do you want to be near your family? Do you want to make connections in the community that you’ll be able to use in the future?Career Services:Â  Be sure to find out about job placement rate and the percentages of graduates who move on to careers in what you think might be your chosen field, whether it’s a small, medium or large firm, a judicial clerkship, or a position in public interest, academia or the business sector.Faculty:Â  What is the student to faculty ratio? What are the credentials of the faculty members? Is there a high turn-over rate? Do they publish many articles? Will you be learning from tenured faculty or from associate professors? Are professors accessible to their students an d do they employ student research assistants?Curriculum:Â  Along with first-year courses, look at what courses are offered for your second and third years and how often. If youre interested in pursuing a joint or dual degree, or in studying abroad, be sure to compare that information as well. You also may be interested in whether Moot Court, writing seminars or trial advocacy is required, and what student journals, such as Law Review, are published at each school. Clinics are another consideration. Now offered by many law schools, clinics can provide students real-world legal experience through hands-on work in a variety of disciplines, so you may want to investigate what opportunities are available.Bar Exam Passage Rate:Â  You definitely want the odds in your favor when taking the bar exam, so look for schools with high bar passage rates. You can also compare the schools bar passage with the overall passage rate for that state to see how your potential schools test-takers stack u p against students from other schools taking the same exam.Class Size:Â  If you know you learn best in smaller settings, be sure to look for schools with lower enrollment numbers. If you like the challenge of swimming in a big pond, you should be looking for schools with higher enrollment numbers.Diversity of Student Body:Â  Included here is not only race and sex, but also age; if you are a student entering law school after many years away or returning as a part-time law student, you might want to pay attention to schools that have higher numbers of students who didnt come directly from undergrad. Many schools also list the most popular majors among students, as well as types of previous work experience.Campus Facilities:Â  What is the law school building like? Are there enough windows? Do you need them? What about computer access? What is the campus like? Do you feel comfortable there? Will you have access to university facilities such as the gym, pool and other recreational act ivities? Is there public or university transportation available?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

We Must Stop Climate Change - 1441 Words

There are many efforts that the American people are putting forth to help the environment. One effort will not suffice. Not only must changes be made to individual lifestyles, which means people must pressure friends, family, and neighbors to make changes, but political pressure must also be included in those efforts, especially on the senators from the coal-producing Midwestern states. This will still not be enough, and Americans will need to boycott all companies that are not behind efforts to prevent climate change. Finally, all of this activity will have to be monitored, and Americans must take responsibility for the level of activity in their state, their city or town, and their neighborhood and block. All In: What Americans Can†¦show more content†¦Americans can take specific actions to make an impact in the struggle to prevent catastrophic climate change through man-made emissions. The political will appears to be lacking by members of Congress, which leaves Americans two choices. The first is to make change outside of the political system. The second is to create the will for change within Congress by creating pressure. Global Footprint The Lord placed Adam and Eve in the garden to tend and take care of its contents. As the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve we must tend to the garden. Our world is precious and America has been put in a negative light. The Gospel has been taken out of our government and that is the last thing America needs. Congress has been swayed by monetary gains when they should be making steps to incorporate the gospel into the final choices. America s outsized footprint in global greenhouse gas emissions is undeniable. The United States is 4 percent of the global population but is responsible for 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions (Hinkle, n.d.). U.S. carbon dioxide emissions average out to 20 tons per person per year, which is six times that of the global average (Hinkle, n.d.). The size of that impact is a compelling reason for Americans to take action. Our individual

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Albert Speer free essay sample

He was seen as the Nazi who said sorry as he accepted responsibility at the Nuremburg trials. However, many people also view him as the ‘disingenuous liar’ who lied to evade a death sentence in Nuremberg and his extent of involvement and knowledge of the treatment of Jews are still debated. Speer himself endeavoured to create an image of himself as a ‘good Nazi’ and that he was merely an ambitious architect who had been misguided into inner circles of Nazi politics. Early life: Speer was born on 19 March, 1905, in Mannheim, Germany into an upper middle class family. He was the second of three boys of Albert Senior and Lina Speer. His father invested in property and land, thus allowing their family to avoid the disastrous effects of the hyperinflation in 1923 and the depression of 1930. Speer, although lived a comfortable lifestyle, experienced a loveless childhood. His parent and siblings were cold and detached towards him. We will write a custom essay sample on Albert Speer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Historian Dan van der Vat believes that the coldness in his childhood background trained him for his emotional indifference and lack of empathy. After graduating as an architect in 1927 at the Technical University of Berlin, Speer began to work as Professor Tessenow’s assistant. Speer was quite an apolitical but was persuaded to attend a Nazi rally where Hitler would be talking. Speer was moved by Hitler’s speech and entranced by his charismatic personality. He became a member of the Nazi party on 1st March 1931.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

J.S. Mill and Morally Free Individuals free essay sample

A look at the main point of J.S. Mills book, In Liberty and Necessity. This paper looks at the J.S. Mill book, In Liberty and Necessity. The author stresses a key point in Mills argument on moral freedom; that it is essential that people have the opportunity to make choices regardless of others to a certain degree, which goes along with the idea of moral conscience. In Liberty and Necessity, Mill argues that morally free individuals have the capacity to modify and command their own character and that the completely free individual is a person of confirmed virtue. In chapter 3 of On Liberty, Mill identifies those circumstances essential to the pursuit of moral freedom. He is emphatic on the idea that humanity should not perpetuate a conformist society and that people should allow themselves to be directed by their self-will and strong desires irrespective of whether they are positively or negatively guided. We will write a custom essay sample on J.S. Mill and Morally Free Individuals or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this chapter, Mill also recognizes the limitations that society imposes on an individuals liberty. In stating requirements for liberty, Mill identifies the actions that allow all individuals the opportunity to gain moral freedom.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Final Exam Essays - File Shortcut, Mouse Button, Special Folder

Final Exam Essays - File Shortcut, Mouse Button, Special Folder Final Exam Beginning Windows 98 Instructor: Zita Podany Final Exam 1. To format a high-density diskette to use on my PC, I would first click on My Computer, (which is located on the desktop) and insert your diskette, then right click on 3 floppy. Go to format, then make sure Quick or Full are checked, then click on the start button. 2. An Operating System is the basic instruction for your hardware and software so that the user can interface with them. An example of an operating system would be like Windows 98 or Windows 2000. 3. Word 2000 is not an operating system. Rather an application added to an operating system to allow the user to create written documents. 4. To make a folder called Inventory on my hard drive, I would first click on My Computer on the desktop, then click on C Drive, then go to file then new then folder and type in Inventory. 5. To create a shortcut to my new folder entitled Inventory, I would right click on it and then choose create shortcut then click on the Inventory folder, hold the mouse button down and drag it onto the desktop and let go. Its done! 6. I want to look for a document and all I know is that it started with Train. To find this I would click on the Start button on my tool bar, then go to Find, over to files and folders then type in the word Train *. *. Making sure that there's a check mark next to subfolders so that every possible place is searched. Then click on Find Now. When the possible files pop up, you can search for the one that you are looking for by just clicking on it until you find the right one. 7. To change my wallpaper all I have to do is right click anywhere on the desktop and a menu appears. Choose properties when the next screen appears, you can click on the down arrow to scroll through the different choices or you can create your own wallpaper by going to Paint or Word and creating what you want and then go to File and save it, then go to your saved file and open it. Go to File again and down to send as wallpaper and its done! 8. To check to see how much space is available on my hard drive, I would click on My Computer then right click on the C drive, go to properties and this will tell you two different ways to see how much space is available on the hard drive. At the top it tells you how much space has been used up and how much is free space in terms of bytes. At the bottom of the screen a pie diagram is shown to give you a visual. 9. To find the Solitaire game that originally came with your computer you would click on the start button on your tool bar, then go to Find and over to files and folders then type in Games and (make sure that include subfolders is checked) and click on Find Now. Then you can look for the folder by clicking on it until you find the one you are looking for. It also gives you the correct address of where it can be found. 10. A shortcut is just a much faster way of getting to a program that you use a lot by placing it on the desktop. You wont need to do the several steps necessary to retrieve that program now, unless you want to. Its very useful when you are busy and dont want to spend time searching for a program that you use all the time. With a shortcut, you just click on the icon that you have put on the desktop. B. You cant use the Screen Print button by itself on the newer computers because it was just too easy for someone to come along and hit that button to see what you were working on. So you need to do the following steps: Hit Alt button and Print Screen then open Paint or Word, go to Edit then Paste then you can resize if you need to, go to File and

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Attitudes And Perceptions About Tourism Development Tourism Essays

Attitudes And Perceptions About Tourism Development Tourism Essays Attitudes And Perceptions About Tourism Development Tourism Essay Attitudes And Perceptions About Tourism Development Tourism Essay This chapter seeks to turn to a figure of issues related to community engagement and engagement in the touristry industry by analyzing some cardinal points emerging from assorted surveies, studies and other beginnings of information. It starts with a treatment about the perceptual experiences and attitudes of host community towards touristry development. Some critics about Doxey Irridex Model and Butler Tourism Area life rhythm will besides be discussed. The chapter besides identifies factors which influence local communities and pull their engagement in the touristry industry. It continues with a treatment about the touristry impacts that arise due touristry development in a little community.anhow the latter is linked to poverty relief. The chapter concludes by foregrounding cardinal issues raised by the literature that form the footing of this research. Host Community Attitudes and Perceptions about Tourism Development This survey aims at placing the relationships between occupants socio- cultural, economic and environmental facet and their attitudes towards touristry by concentrating on a little community where touristry is in the development phase. By carry oning this research, the writer hopes to come across the occupants attitudes and capture their current perceptual experiences about touristry development in their country. Furthermore, this research is being done because most writers agree that initial community attitudes toward touristry are critical to community engagement in the industry ( Murphy 1981 ) , the formation of finish image ( Echtner A ; Ritchie 1991 ) . Attitudes are defined as a province of head of the single toward a value ( Allport 1966, p. 24 ) and as an abiding sensitivity towards a peculiar facet of one s environment ( McDougall A ; Munro 1987, p. 87 ) . Attitude of host community to tourism based development can better if there is a encouragement in the touchable and indefinable colonies the host community can have by being in based development ( Choi A ; Sirakaya, 2006 ) . As Attitudes are based under this apprehension, this is why some research workers came to a decision that occupants attitudes toward touristry are non merely the contemplations of occupants perceptual experiences of touristry impacts, but the consequences of interaction between occupants perceptual experiences and the factors impacting their attitudes ( Lankford et al.1994 ) . Some predating researchs have proved that some most of import impacts of touristry are identified along with its variables, nevertheless the theory is developing: Presently there is limited apprehension of why occupants respond to the impacts of touristry as they do, and under what conditions occupants react to those impacts ( Ap 1992, p. 666 ) . Husband ( 1989 ) besides addressed this issue by stating There is, so far, no theoretical justification of why some people are, or are non, favourably disposed to touristry ( p. 239 ) . Assorted issues can carry perceptual experiences of the host community about positive results of touristry development. Support will depend on the grade of benefits perceived. The engagement of community will be discussed subsequently on in the literature reappraisal. The credence of local values can besides be an of import factor that leads to the accomplishment of a touristry based development ( Alexander, 2000 ) . However over a certain period of clip many findings detected that host community perceptual experiences in the way from touristry may hold more positive attitudes. Peoples who depend on touristry industry or holding a better economic benefit may perchance hold a higher grade of positiveness than other dwellers who do non profit from a touristry development ( lankford and Howard, 1994 ; Jurowski, Uysal, and willimas, 1997 ; Sirakaya, Teye and Sonmez,2002 ) . Lindberg and Johnson ( 1997 ) mentioned that people holding higher economic impacts from touristry may hold more positive attitudes. However Travis ( 1984 ) has stated that its non merely an economic features such as the chance for occupations creative activity or capital coevals that needs to be considered by the host community. The socio-cultural and environmental facets are besides really of import. For Choi and Sirakaya ( 2005 ) , the most community should besides hold a better environment in term of substructures and improved comfortss such as leisure and recreational activities. They describe touristry as dwelling of assorted supports and any development in the touristry field should guarantee the protection of the civilization of host community, alongside the protection of the environment. In order to clear up the relationship between the impacts of touristry and occupants attitudes toward touristry, several theoretical accounts have been developed. One of the most influential theoretical accounts is Doxey s Irridex theoretical account ( 1975 ) which suggests that occupants attitudes toward touristry may go through through a series of phases from euphory, through apathy and annoyance. to hostility, as sensed costs exceed the expected benefits. This theoretical account is supported by Long et al. s ( 1990 ) research consequences, which indicate occupants attitudes, are ab initio favourable but become negative after making a threshold. To hold a better comprehension about the relationship between the impacts of touristry and occupants attitudes toward touristry, several theoretical accounts like Butler Tourism Life rhythm Area and Doxey Irridex theoretical account have been developed. One of the most dominant theoretical accounts is Doxey s Irridex theoretical account ( 1975 ) which suggests that occupants attitudes toward touristry may go through through a series of phases from euphory, through apathy and annoyance. to hostility, as sensed costs exceed the expected benefits. This theoretical account was supported by Long et al. s ( 1990 ) research consequences, which indicated that occupants attitudes are ab initio favourable but become negative after making a threshold. The Irridex theoretical account indicates that occupants attitudes toward touristry will alter overtime. It suggests that occupants attitudes and reactions toward touristry contain a sense of homogeneousness ( Mason et al. 2000 ) . Co nversely, this construct was challenged by some research findings that reported heterogenous community responses and diverse occupants attitudes at the same time bing in a community ( Brougham et al. 1981, Rothman 1978 ) . Critics about Doxey Irridex Model and Butler Tourism Area Life rhythm Butler ( 1980 ) took a more complicated attack. He argued that tourer countries go through a recognizable rhythm of development ; he used an S-shaped curve to exemplify their different phases of popularity. Butler stated that there are six phases through which tourist countries pass. These include the geographic expedition phase, involvement phase, development phase, consolidation phase, stagnancy phase, and diminution phase. His survey besides reveals that development is brought approximately by a assortment of factors, including alterations in penchants and demands of visitants, the gradual impairment and possible replacing of physical works and installations, and the alteration of the original natural and cultural attractive forces, which is responsible for the initial popularity of the country. Furthermore this theoretical account is supported by Murphy s ( 1983 ) research consequences, which reveal the distinguishable attitude differences among occupants, public functionaries, a nd concern proprietors in three English tourer centres. Although Butler s theoretical account addresses the trouble of occupants attitudes toward touristry, research workers still lacked theories explicating relationships between occupants attitudes and touristry impacts until Ap ( 1992 ) applied societal exchange theory to touristry. Harmonizing to the theory, exchange will get down, merely when there are irregular inactivity signifiers. Ap ( 1992 ) suggests that occupants evaluate touristry in footings of societal exchange, that is, measure it in footings of expected benefits or costs obtained in return for the services they supply He besides argued that when exchange of resources is high for the host histrion in either the balanced or imbalanced exchange relation, touristry impacts are viewed positively, while touristry impacts are viewed negatively if exchange of resources is low. Social exchange theory has been examined as a theoretical model by research workers to depict occupants attitudes toward touristry impacts ( Perdue et al. 1990, McGehee A ; Andereck 2004 ) . However Mason and Cheyen ( 2000 ) stated that that the representation of Butler assumes a grade of homogeneousness of community reaction . Butler ( 2006 ) supported his theoretical account by proposing that a consistent development of tourist country can be conceptualized . Different stages at a peculiar finish may non be understood without errors. The presentation hence should be concerned merely to some extent as the stage itself differs from one tourer country to another. ( Tosun,2002 ) . The Doxey irridex theoretical account gives a clear position of how host community attitude alterations over a period of clip. It mentions host community perceptual experiences, reactions and attitudes in the way of touristry ( Manson et al.2000 ) . This can be a at odds rule because some research came to a decision that assorted host community attitudes and perceptual experiences may be in the community, ( Brougham et al.1981, Rothman 1978 ) . Akis, Peristanis A ; Warner ( 1996 ) disapprove the Irridex Model and The Tourism Life Cycle and position it as excessively simple, because both theoretical accounts give a few intimation of altering host community perceptual experiences and attitudes over clip. Other research workers like Lankford and Howard ( 1994, P.135 ) opposed against the theoretical account of Doxey ( 1975 ) because positive and negative factors that affect the perceptual experiences and attitudes of host community are non given much consideration. As the touristry industry keeps on altering, this may be a ground why we must give this industry uninterrupted support for its related development. Andereck A ; vogt ( 2000 ) stated that it is considered that optimistic attitudes towards touristry may imply the encouragement for farther touristry development. If there is any hold in touristry undertaking development this can be due to frustration towards tourers. Mill and Morisson ( 1984 ) even reference that, an credence of touristry can non be built unless the benefits of touristry are made relevant to the community . Attitudes and perceptual experiences of host community at a finish is of extreme importance in the achievement of touristry development alongside the development of the industry at big besides, ( Hayword,1975 ) , ( Heenan, 1978 ) , and Hiller ( 1976 ) . There is a wide belief perceptual experience and attitudes of host community in the way of touristry results are disposed to go indispensable planning and policy concern for booming development and enlargement of bing and possible touristry plans, ( Ap,1992 ) . Host community attitudes and perceptual experience is really of import as it will act upon their behaviour towards touristry, ( Andriotis and Vaughan, 2003 ) . Host community engagement and engagement Community engagement has become a common component in many development enterprises, such as community-based programmes, which assume participatory methods and has been promoted by development organisations, notably the World Bank, to turn to the inefficiency of extremely centralized development attacks peculiarly in the underdeveloped universe ( Baral and Heinen, 2007 ) . Today, many development enterprises solicit the engagement of all concerned stakeholders, at the relevant degree, non merely for the interest of efficiency and equity of the programmes, purchase of givers and demands of local communities, but besides for O for sustainability of these enterprises ( Ribot, 2004 ) . Consequently, the existent result for beging such community engagement is to make and bring forth an enabling environment needed by these stakeholders, particularly local communities who have been vulnerable to negative impacts of touristry attributed partially to the fact that many touristry resources occur in their countries, to hold a existent interest in development activities ( Havel, 1996 ; Songorwa, 1999 ) . This requires affecting local communities in decision-making and beef uping their ability to move for themselves. One attack to accomplish this is through investings in human capital, such as instruction and wellness, investings in societal capital such as local- level establishments and participatory procedures, and support for community based development attempts planned and implemented from underside up ( Havel, 1996, p.145 ) . However, given the fact that the cardinal point underlying people s engagement may be the grade of power distribution, these attempts are less likely to win unless antiphonal establishments and the legal and policy model that facilitate and back up local engagement are in topographic point ( Havel, 1996 ; Tosun, 2004 ; Wang and Wall, 2005 ) . Engagement is a procedure through which stakeholders, among them the local communities who are frequently the intended donees of community touristry, influence and portion control over development enterprises and the determinations and resources which affect them ( Havel, 1996 ) . Engagement, hence, seeks coaction or partnerships and the committedness necessary to guarantee sustainability of touristry development enterprises ( Wolfensohn, 1996 ) . Paradoxically, the results of engagement are normally a contemplation of a certain degree of engagement of relevant stakeholders in the decision-making procedure which in bend enables people to do informed committednesss to a peculiar touristry undertaking ( Havel, 1996 ) . Harmonizing to Akama ( 1999 ) as cited in Manyara and Jones ( 2007, p.629 ) , local communities are barely involved in touristry development and they are normally without a voice in the development procedure ( Havel, 1996 ) . This state of affairs harmonizing to Mbaiwa ( 2005 ) is contrary to the rules of sustainable touristry development which, among other things, stress the engagement and engagement of local communities. In their discourse on community-based touristry, many writers have argued that local community engagement in touristry activities non merely leads to acquiring local community support for the industry but besides acts as a important constituent to accomplishing sustainable development of the industry ( Kibicho, 2003: Kale, 2006 ) . It is likely of import to take a firm stand from here that a cardinal consideration in touristry development is sustainability, which can non be achieved without community support ( Vincent and Thompson, 2002 ) . While sustainability is the nucleus aim of community engagement ( Vincent and Thompson, 2002 ; Johannesen and Skonhoft, 2005 ) , advocates of community touristry further argue that community engagement seeks to better the public assistance of the local community and, possibly most significantly, win their support in preservation of touristry resources ( Songorwa, 1999 ) . This means community engagement is inevitable and imperative for touristry development because most tourist attractive forces lie within local communities or in their localities and in most instances co-exist side by side with the communities, for case, in wildlife countries. Community engagement via decision-making is an indispensable determiner to guarantee that the benefits that local communities get from touristry are guaranteed, and their life styles and values are respected. It is, nevertheless, of import to observe that community engagement in determination devising is non merely desirable but besides necessary so as to maximise the socio-economic benefits of touristry for the community. It is possibly one of the most of import elements of touristry direction to enable communities who frequently serve as tourer finishs and for that affair suffer from the negative impacts of touristry, to acquire involved and finally take part in planning determinations sing touristry development. This is of import in order to make better handling of the negative impacts of touristry development ( Li, 2004 ; Tosun, 2000 ) . It is every bit of import to observe, hence, that integrating of local communities into the decision-making procedure is non a concluding end i tself but merely one of the many ways through which community engagement can be achieved ( Li, 2005, p.133 ) . Another manner to affect and pull community engagement and finally their support in touristry development is through local occupation creative activity ( Zhao and Ritchie, 2007 ) . Since touristry offers better labor-intensive and little graduated table chances ( Chok and Macbeth, 2007 ; Scheyvens, 2007 ) and since it happens in the community, arguably, it is thought to be one of the best located possible beginnings of employment chances for local communities, inclusive of adult females and the informal sector ( Blank, 1989 ; Li, 2005 ; Johannesen and Skonhoft, 2005 ; Scheyvens, 2007 ) . Community engagement via employment chances, as workers or as little concern operators, can be a accelerator to the development of touristry merchandises and services, humanistic disciplines, trades and cultural values, particularly through taking advantage of abundant natural and cultural assets available in communities in developing states ( Scheyvens, 2007 ) . Tosun ( 2000 ) stated that community engagement through working in the touristry industry has been recognized to assist local communities non merely to back up development of the industry but besides to have more than economic benefits. However, it is of import to understand that in some instances community engagement is seen as a manner of acquiring people to transport out activities or portion their costs while the benefits are non clear to those expected to take part ( Havel, 1996 ) . This implies that a cardinal factor to the success of any community-based touristry undertaking is the inducement to profit sharing which is normally attractive plenty to do people extremely motivated to take part. As Havel ( 1996 ) asserted people will non take part unless they believe it is their involvement to make so Surveies have documented that community touristry, nevertheless, depends extremely on active engagement and engagement of the local community non merely in effectual distribution of touristry benefits but besides in touristry job designation, planning, execution, monitoring and rating ( Simmons, 1994 ; Songorwa, 1999 ; Zhao and Ritchie, 2007 ) . In their survey about sharing the benefits of touristry in Hainan, China, Wang and Wall ( 2005 ) observed that community engagement is non merely a tool for equilibrating power when doing determinations in touristry related issues but besides the tool through which the benefits of touristry can reasonably be spread to communities. In fact, the construct of engagement and engagement of local communities in the touristry decision-making procedure chiefly aims to authorise and supply room for local communities to find their ain development ends, set their support precedences and confer with them with a position to understand and take into consideration their desires and concerns for touristry ( Timothy, 1999 ) . Engagement and engagement of the community in decision-making is advocated so that communities can hold some control over touristry resources, enterprises and determinations that affect their support ( Wang, and Wall, 2005 ) . On the other manus, the thought of engagement and engagement of local communities in the touristry benefits is easy reflected in increasing incomes, employment, and instruction of local communities about touristry and entrepreneurship ( Timothy, 1999 ) . One manner to carry through this is to increase public consciousness of touristry through instruction runs and develop local communities for employment in the industry. While increased public consciousness creates a more hospitable environment for tourers and improves the image of the finish, supplying entrepreneurial preparation empowers local communities and finally increases their capacity to have important benefits from touristry ( Timothy, 1999 ) . This enables tourism-oriented concerns and locals such as cab drivers, guesthouse directors, eating house proprietors, and street sellers, the chance to work successfully and expeditiously in the industry. Barriers to community engagement in touristry in developing states The overall result of such barriers is frequently the communities limited enthusiasm towards the industry thereby ensuing in small benefits that trickle down to the grass-roots, the local community ( Manyara and Jones, 2007 ) . Tosun ( 2000 ) identified a broad scope of obstructions to community engagement in the context of developing states. He categorised these obstructions into operational, cultural and structural restrictions. Those categorized as operational restrictions include the centralisation of public disposal of touristry development, deficiency of co-ordination between involved parties and deficiency of information made available to the local people of the tourer finish as attributed to, but non limited to, deficient informations and hapless airing of information. Under these conditions, low public engagement in the touristry development procedure is obvious as people are non intelligent. Those categorised as structural hindrances include institutional, power constructi on, legislative, and economic systems. They largely impact negatively on the outgrowth and execution of the participatory touristry development attack. And those identified as cultural restrictions include limited capacity of the hapless to efficaciously manage development. The fact that the bulk of people in developing states struggle to run into their basic and felt demands and that mere survival occupies all their clip and devour their energy, implies that acquiring closely involved in issues of community concern such as community engagement in the touristry development procedure which frequently demands clip and energy, may be a luxury that they can non afford. On the other side of the coin, apathy and a low degree of consciousness in the local community is by and large accepted. While a low degree of involvement in taking portion in affairs beyond their immediate household sphere ( apathy ) can be partially attributed to many old ages or centuries of exclusion from socio-cultural, economic and political personal businesss that impact their self-respect, a low degree of consciousness of such issues stops the hapless from demanding that their demands be accommodated by the establishments which serve them. Tourism Impacts The aim of this point is to see the impacts of tourers on finishs countries from an economic, societal and physical position. The nature and deductions of these effects will be discussed. The rapid growing of touristry has increased economic, environmental and societal effects. Until late the attending has concentrated on the economic impacts and non on the environmental and societal effects of touristry. The impact made by touristry depends upon the volume and features of the tourers such as length of stay, activity, manner of conveyance and travel agreement. A choice of variables must besides be taken into history in the finding of any impact of touristry every bit good as their interrelatednesss and the ways in which they influence the nature, way and magnitude of tourer impacts. Ecomomic impacts of Tourism Tourism can make occupations, provide foreign exchange, produce return on investing for emerging economic sciences, conveying engineering, and better life criterions. The most outstanding benefits used to advance touristry development are the economic benefits that communities can anticipate to deduce from an addition in touristry activity. The surveies demonstrate that occupants feel touristry helps the economic system ( Ritchie,1988 ) , that touristry increases the criterion of life of host occupants. Servicess of all sorts are established and offered to tourers, who in bend besides serve local occupants and touristry generates the force to better and farther develop community substructure and community service ( Var A ; Kim, 1990 ) . However, touristry contributes to resentment refering the employment of non-locals in managerial and professional places ( Var A ; Kim, 1990 ) . Tourism is related to foreign domination of tourer services and installations, additions in the cost of land and lodging, increases in monetary values of goods and services, additions in nutrient and land monetary values, and deficit of certain trade goods. Loss of labor With the rapid development of touristry, people involved in traditional occupations like agriculture, fishing and agribusiness may go forth these occupations to work in the touristry industry where there is more prospectus. So this can do a deficiency of labor in the primary sector. Enclave Tourism With the touristry industry there is a rise in the local concerns but their net income are sometimes reduced with the across-the-board bundle. As the tourers will acquire every thing that he needs in the resort, there is no demand for him to pass his money out of the resort. Consequently reduces the opportunity for local people to gain from touristry. Escape Some Government frequently gives revenue enhancement vacations to pull investors. But sometimes when these investors make net income they send it back to their place state alternatively of reinvesting it back into the economic system. So nil else is left for the host state as there may be low gross and net income after revenue enhancements and the high cost of imports to run into the demands and demand of tourers. Infrastructure cost Tourism development costs a batch of money to the authorities. Tourism developers may desire the authorities to better substructures that will be good to the touristry industry. Spending on substructure may diminish the ability of a authorities to put in other of import sectors like Health and Education. Addition In Monetary values Tourism makes the monetary values of trade goods, belongingss and land higher which accordingly cause rising prices. Local people are holding no option ; they have to pay higher monetary values for goods and services even though their income does non increase proportionately. It is a fact that touristry pushes up monetary values of adjustment and nutrient, and the consequence of the negative effects of touristry development is the traveling off of local people from the countries because they can non afford it longer. Then touristry can do poorness and the eventual supplanting of local people that are replaced by the in-migration of affluent aliens and retired persons. Positive impacts of touristry Foreign Exchange Net incomes Government generates much gross from both direct and indirect part of the touristry sector. Direct part is generated by direct duty on tourers such as going taves/aiport revenue enhancements, revenue enhancements on incomes from touristry employment and touristry concerns. Employment Coevals Tourism creates occupations straight through hotel, eating houses and taxis. Indirect occupations are created through the supply of goods and services needed by tourism-related concerns. Foreign Exchange Net incomes Tourists disbursement and the exportation of related goods and services generate gross in footings of foreign currency to the host economic system. This beginning of gross can be used to finance other economic sectors of a state and even increase the criterion of life of local people. Socio-cultural Impacts Even though touristry contributes to the Renaissance of traditional humanistic disciplines and trade ( Var A ; Kim, 1990 ) , touristry has often been criticized for the break of traditional societal and civilization constructions and behavioural forms. Destination countries that have embraced touristry for its economic benefits have witnessed heightened degrees of offense and harlotry, and supplanting due to lifting land costs and loss of the cultural heritage of local people, peculiarly young person. Tourism has been charged non merely with the adulteration of socio-cultural factors but besides with debasement of the environment. Negative socio-cultural impacts Tourism development can hold negative impacts at local, national and international degree if they are severely and managed. Some of the most of import negative impacts are as follows: Overcrowding Tourism additions traffic congestion and crowdedness in the public country, and brings societal jobs. During the extremum season there can be ill will between visitants and host communities, as the local people may be force to digest the incommodiousness of break to their day-to-day wonts. Presentation Consequence Demonstration consequence occurs when there is the commixture of people from loosely different civilizations in touristry. The local people try to copy the life style of those visitants. This can take to irreversible alteration in societal like there can be the doomed of native linguistic communications and traditional frock may besides be considered as outdated. Loss of traditional Industries Traditional industries such as fishing, farming and forestry might be lost. This may go on if workers find it more advantageous to work in the touristry industry. Childs are more and more to work in promising industry like touristry where they can be empowered and acquire money with less attempt needed every bit compared to the traditional 1s. Atomization of Communities Regions which have come popular due to the touristry industry may be subsequently go a 2nd place for rich communities. Exiles, who have the power to pay for high monetary values of land and lodging, may do a state of affairs where local people are compelled to travel from these topographic points as they can non afford the high monetary values of trade goods besides. Rise in societal jobs and offense Tourism besides contributes to societal ailments such as beggary, chancing, drug trafficking, and harlotry, every bit good as the uprooting of traditional society, and causes deterioratin of the traditional civilization and imposts of host states. Tourism contributes to an unwanted addition in the ingestion of intoxicant, increased traffic congestion, and overcrowding. Positive Socio-Cultural impacts of Tourism. One of the major grounds why tourers travel is for societal and cultural experiences. The exchange of civilization between the local people and the tourers or even sing cultural sites and run intoing new people can make positive impacts on travellers. The host community can take advantage of the socio-cultural impacts of touristry in the sense that visitants get direct contact with host community and to see the manner of life of these visitants. Tourism can assist to increase the criterion of life of the local people. For illustration touristry can assist in the development and creative activity of community installations and services that would non be present without touristry. The socio-cultural facet of touristry can besides profit from touristry. Tourists can lend towards keeping and prolonging cultural traditions and the preservation of heritage sites. Environmental Impacts of Tourism The impact of touristry on the environment implies that occupants may see touristry as holding either a positive or negative impact on their environment. Some people believe that touristry helps to make a greater consciousness and grasp for the demand to continue the environment to capture its natural beauty for tourer intents, and increase investings in the environmental su

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Ethical Process in Solving an Ethical Dilemma Assignment - 79

The Ethical Process in Solving an Ethical Dilemma - Assignment Example The other challenging bit is the fact that, the reason was to save the life of someone else. The second ethical step is to know what or why it happened, that is getting to realize that what happened was wrong and trying to get the story straight as to why it happened. This also involves getting relevant evidence that may have caused the car to be broken into. For this matter, the car was taken for the purpose of saving the life of another human being by rushing them to hospital. It can be argued that, if that intent was not carried out, then the life of another individual would be put at risk and it would have been much worse than taking the car in the first place. Supporting document as to why the car was taken would have been the hospital documents such as receipts, hospital card that show that the patient was really taken to the hospital. The third step is to verify whether the ethical issue is a regulatory issue or a process issue. This relates to why it was carried out. For this case, the car was taken because there were no other possible options at the moment that could have been implemented. It was the only car in the vicinity that could have been used. The fourth step would be to review and compare whether the ethical issue has a rule that is tied to it. This can be referred to a variety of resources such as the ASHAs Code of Ethics. For this case, after the car was taken so as to take someone to the hospital. It would have been procedural to look up the ethical dilemma in the Code of Ethics and find a sound action to incorporate so as to make the situation better or both parties, including the owner of the car. The fifth step in reviewing the ethical process is to know who is in charge and has the control in the situation. For example, the car was taken and the individual in charge was the driver. This is the ideal person who will be able to explain what came along and why he/she had to do it and come up with a  sound judgment based on the storyline.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example The author suggests that leaders in the public service undergo management transitions as they encounter new environments. The process of transition should have apt strategies to enhance quality work and improved performance. The author presents a practical way that will steer innovation and creativity in the nonprofit making bodies. The process of public service has the design to improve performance, reduce gaps, and effective participation. The government process focus on the entire society to overcome any form of discrimination to lead to a better solving agent. The entrepreneurial government promotes service delivery, performance on the agencies, meeting needs of the stakeholders, change in authority, and solving community problems. A transformation in the public service creates an increase in innovation. The primary health care in the Western world has wide range of professionals that include nurses, counselors, and doctors that embrace health. Primary health integrates leadership and management on the healthcare professionals to address different areas of health. Nurse practitioners in the first-line assessment of patients present the development of intermediate care. The skills of leadership and management of organizations have innate changes with clear implications for the education and training of all healthcare professionals. The author of the article discusses different theory in line with leadership and management that include personal construct theory, whole-systems theory, linearity complexity, and leadership theory. The author argues that innovation is the best approach for the healthcare professionals to solve problems. The author indicates different possible paths that some find difficult to adhere in the linear frame of mind. The author informs the reason for integratin g primary healthcare by providing advice on developing leadership countries. The author cites that intuition in organizations to lead and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gay Marriages Essay Example for Free

Gay Marriages Essay When newer lifestyles creep into our society, inline with our thoughts and liberties, guardians of the older versions are likely to be taken back. These lifestyle changes happen in every sphere of life, like the way we eat or work. In getting along with it, we may have to abandon our traditional ways. Sometimes these may go unnoticed, as it may be beneficial to all, having none to worry about it. But other times the issues in question may be very important and fundamental, and there would be a social debate. Homosexuality and gay marriages is one such issue, which is still being debated widely. With homosexuality and gay marriages becoming increasingly present in our society, it is important that the subject be well debated and all issues projected so that it helps people to take appropriate decisions. The issue of homosexuality is not just relevant for the partners, but also to the families they are a part of, and to the society as a whole. It is therefore important that the society be well informed of the legal and social aspects of gay marriages, while being alive to the fact that evolving lifestyle issues could knock at anyone’s door. The media has a very important and responsible role in helping the larger part of the society to come to terms with evolving lifestyles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is perhaps what the film ‘The Wedding Banquet’ has attempted and succeeded. ‘The Wedding Banquet’ is a thoughtful and touching Chinese film revolving around homosexuality and family ties. The film brings into focus the perception of modern lifestyles, from the traditional point of view, and the difficulties and experiences involved in coming to terms with it (Don). The film projects homosexuality in a wider perspective. A gay relationship, in the midst of a heterosexual marriage and parenting, shows the wider realm of homosexuality and gay relationships. The film brings into focus a gay relationship between a Taiwanese expatriate Wai-Tung and his doctor boyfriend Simon. When Wai-Tung’s parents pressurize their son for his marriage, he plans to buy time by putting impossible conditions for his bride. However a dating company succeeds in finding a suitable match, when Wai-Tung strikes into a convenience marriage with his tenant Wei Wei. The marriage would help Wei Wei from being deported. It is when the parents of Wai-Tung reach America for the wedding banquet of their son, does they know of the developments in the family. The film has several turning points like when Wei Wei seduces an inebriated Wai-Tung and becomes pregnant, leading to deterioration in his relationship with Simon. Wai-Tung’s father approves of the actions of Simon, who he takes as his adopted son . His mother on the other hand is drawn affectionally to her daughter-in-law, whom his father considers as a business participant. At the end the father and mother leave for Taiwan, without any discontent. The movie definitely seems to address the issue of homosexuality in the family context. Bringing the issue of homosexuality face-to-face with traditionally heterosexual cultures, gets everyone on their toes to accept the reality. Lifestyle choices are here to stay and traditions must pave way to it and coexist. This low budget film won recognition for its director Ang Lee, who himself makes a short appearance as a banquet guest. It also won the Golden Bear award in the Berlin Film Festival of 1993 and the best film and best director awards at the 1993 Seattle International Film Festival (Berardinelli, 1993).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The rights of homosexuals are increasingly gaining support with time. Homosexuals are being more welcome in our society and their rights are becoming more obvious. Gone are those days when homosexuality was considered a serious crime and homosexuals looked upon as people with sick minds. Although there are societies which still consider homosexuality a crime, it isn’t as dreadful as it once was. These developments indicate the growing perception that homosexuals are a part of our society and therefore should be accorded equal rights, equal protection and equal support from all welfare activities. The favorable trend towards homosexuals may be attributed to the general liberalization of policies in most parts of the world, broader thinking among people and the mixing of cultures and mingling of economics. But it is indeed sad that this never before support, is not extended to gay marriages. A major part of this support and backing, of homosexuality stops short of gay marriages. This indifference to gay marriage, particularly from among supporters of homosexuality stems from their perception of marriage and homosexuality. Gays are generally thought to have multiple partners and that therefore their relationships cannot be deep or emotional. The gays are considered as uncommitted and not being capable of forming lasting relationships. This description of gays cannot be challenged, as gays do have such relationships too. However, it should be noted here that such relationships also exist in heterosexual or straight society too, maybe to a small extent and that too mainly among the youth. What most people need to understand about gays is that, as gays grow and mature, they too like their straight counterparts begin to value and seek committed lasting relationships.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is important to realize the basics behind the emergence of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a naturally developing phenomenon. However, most ignorant people attribute it to a defiance of heterosexual norms and an intention to experiment.   Some people feel that gays could choose being a heterosexual if they wanted, but that, only a very few consider that they have a choice. It is only like heterosexuals being asked to choose the sex they are attracted to. It should be understood that being a gay is natural and not selected. Several gay people, both men and women recall being attracted to people of their own sex from a very young age. The sexual orientation in most people emerge at a very early age like early adolescence, even prior to any sexual experience. Homosexual orientation is a complex subject and cannot be explained by any single or a simple, plain model. No consistent results have been found from research undertaken for homosexual orientation. Despite studying evolutionary and hormonal pattern in homosexuality, scientists have not yet understood the development of homosexual orientation in an individual. Therefore it is improper to assume that homosexuals have a choice, which they have chosen to bypass. Today however, most scientists agree that sexual orientation results from an influence of environment, cognitive and biological factors. Genetic and inborn hormonal traits play an important role in deciding a person’s sexual attitude. Psychologists and psychiatrists believe that homosexuality is not due to emotional or mental disorders; and it was in 1973, when the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its official list of emotional and mental disorders, after appropriate research (APA, 2008). Research based on twin studies also indicate that male homosexuality is genetically mediated. A study with about 76 gay brothers and their families in 1993 by Dean Hamer found that gay men had more gay uncles and cousins on the maternal side compared to the paternal side. One of the most reliable finding in homosexuality adoption was reported by Blanchard and Klassen in 1997, which suggested that the odds of an individual being a gay increased by 33% correpondingly for each older brother. It has been implied that the male foetus causes a maternal immune reaction which is increasingly stronger for each successive male foetus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gay marriages are wrongly perceived by many people to alter family environment. The customary saying that marriage is an institution between a man and a woman holds no water, as there is no real and moral judgement behind it. Such definitions of marriages only raise questions on the eligibility and authenticity of the defining person or institution. Who should be the one to define marriage?. They feel that same-sex couples cannot provide the necessary environment for children’s normal growth. In continuation of this, many consider same-sex marriage as a deterrent to births and continuation of species. They don’t realise that marriages are not just directed to bearing children, as even infertile couples choose to marry or heterosexual couples sometimes choose against having children. Marriage is more about sharing, love and commitment and less about bearing children. It should be realized that gay couples are capable of raising children as much as any straight couple. The fact that there is no significant difference between the children of gay and straight couples, has been proved by research. Psychologists are of the opinion that the gender of the parent is not important in raising the child; it’s the love and commitment on the part of the parents that matter. As for the continuation of species, human species are in no danger of dwindling due to reproductive failure. In fact the population explosion is really disturbing and serious issues are at stake for the oncoming generations. Gay marriages can only help in slowing the rate of population increase, than adding to it. Gay marriages have seen results, since it has already been experimented. Denmark legalised gay marriages in 1989. Several Dutch cities have had same-sex marriage rights for many years. The clergy at first offered opposition to the Danish law and a survey conducted at that time indicated that about 72 percent of the clergy opposed the law. However another survey conducted in 1995 revealed that 89 percent of the clergy supported the law. Gay marriages have been experimented and proved to strengthen the institution of marriage and contribute to the society. Any doubts on the success of gay marriages are fully vacated and its positive impact on the society acknowledged.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The interpretation of gay marriage in religion should not be ignored when considering gay marriages. Given the binding of religion and its influence on every aspect of life, people consider religious beliefs above all contemporary issues associated with gay marriages, when deciding on them. Some religions are against homosexuality and gay marriages while some do not consider it as something important to be preached upon. In the Old Testament only two passages are referred to homosexuality, among the several thousands (Piazza, 2007). Buddhism in fact attracts several homosexuals, as there isn’t any homophobia preaching in it. The Theravada Buddhism considers all relationships i.e.; gay, lesbian or straight as being personal matters bearing mutual consent (Robinson, 2008). Therefore all relationships are considered constructive and acceptable as long as both partners are happy. Many people, who believe in Christianity, oppose homosexuality and gay marriage, on the basis of the bible. It should primarily be noted here that the bible was written at a period when there was no understanding of homosexuality or psychosexual orientation. The bible therefore does not recognise people as lesbians or gays. The inference was only directed to homosexual acts committed by persons who were considered heterosexual. However, the bible has been successfully used to interpret the views of both advocates and opponents of homosexuality whenever homosexuality is deliberated. According to the Roman Catholic Church, any sex that does not lead to procreation should be avoided and thus the use of condoms and masturbation is condemned. However, it should also be noted that the church approves sex among sterile couples and sex during pregnancy, which do not lead to procreation (Corvino, 1997). An important aspect of bible interpretation is that, many Christians interpret all texts with much flexibility except when it comes to homosexuality, where  Ã‚   all references to homosexual acts are taken literally. The bible actually pays very little attention to this subject and most importantly Jesus speaks nothing on this topic, in the New Testament. This apart, most instructions and recommendations of the bible are of lesser relevance today, like avoiding pork. The teachings are subconsciously breached casually, as we go about our everyday lives. For instance, there was a prominent woman once spoke at length against homosexuality, in the course of which she broke several Biblical laws by Levitical standards (Piazza, 2007), namely speaking in church, she taught men and wore a cotton and polyester dress. The Bible interestingly has a few example of same sex love. David’s love for Jonathan was implied to be greater than his love for woman, Ruth’s deep love relationship with Naomi and Ruth’s words of pledge are used in most heterosexual weddings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even though gay couples are now socially accepted like never before, they are far from equal civil rights. The withholding of civil rights to gay couples can sometimes be life ruining and even life threatening. The inconvenience and sufferings of gay couples as a consequence of these unequal rights can be endlessly said. In most American states, gay couples are not given the right to make medical decisions for their partners, during emergencies. State laws stipulate that the hospitals should reach out to the families of the hospitalised partner, thereby ignoring the gay partner’s concern. Very often, the families are not in good terms with the gay couple, and may even be without contact for a considerable long time. It is obvious that the decisions taken by such families would not be in the best interests of the couple. It is sad that the hostile family even have the right to exclude the partner from the treatment room. Even upon death, the will of the gay partner can be easily challenged and custody decisions overturned by the family (Bidstrup, 2004). Families have the right to deny the surviving partner, even a visit to his partner’s grave. There are several cases where gay couples had been extremely careful in drafting their will, which however were overturned, leaving the surviving partner literally penniless. Whenever arrested, gay couples are forced to provide evidence and testify against their partners. Most gay couples, particularly the older ones have numerous such stories of injustices meted out to their friends or acquaintances. The testimony of a gay partner is as irrelevant as the testimony of a complete stranger, in most courts. In case the partner is jailed, the right to visit the partner is denied in most cases. In matters of law, arrest or imprisonment, the whims of a hostile family and the cooperation of a homophobic judge can have devastating effects on the gay couple. The discrimination is pathetically extended even to the children of gay couples, as gay parents are not able to get parenting rights when children are brought into their family, either by birth or through adoption. These are some civil rights issues, which are in no way connected to the nature of marriages. State laws, which provide for the rights of legally married couples, are denied for gay couples.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gay couples are definitely not accorded equal rights, although the situation is improving and would one day catch up with those accorded to heterosexual couples. One must not forget that African-American marriages were not allowed, till the end of civil war. Until 1967, there were at least 15 states that prohibited interracial marriages. It required a US Supreme Court decision that year to ensure inter-racial marriages throughout the United States (Robinson). Same sex marriages are recent happenings, which were earlier not permitted anywhere in the world. The law is often the deciding factor in the fate of homosexuality like in November 2003 when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court termed the ban on gay marriage as unconstitutional. Legislators have indeed played an important role in the acceptance of homosexuality and gay marriages. However there is a lot more for them to do. There are many states in the US, which have yet not legalized gay marriages. Apart from US, there are only a few countries that have recognized homosexual relationships. Social acceptance is a major struggle for homosexuality, which however can begin only after its legalization. Given the progress in acceptability of homosexuality till now, it is evident that all constitutions should and one day, would legalize homosexuality. It should be noted here that the European Union had demanded Turkey to form more liberal laws on sex, as a condition for its membership. Once homosexuality and gay marriages are legalized, the law should provide for the rights of gay couples, and for individual partners. Gay couples should be allowed to live peacefully like any other family, raise children and plan for their future. Homophobic attitudes should be better identified and punished when it attempts to hinder the rights of gay couples. Gay couples too have the responsibility to stand up against victimization rather than suffer alone in silence, fearing social stigma. It is rightly appropriate here to mention the fact that Brendan Fay had lodged a complaint against the Polish president for using his marriage images to warn his countrymen against gay marriages. Fay’s marriage to his partner Tom Moulton, and their marriage certificate was shown in his televised address to the nation. Fay said he considered it to be an insult and has complained to the Polish Consulate in New York (Salazar).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The debate on providing equal rights to same-sex couples would go on. The public support for gay couples, would gradually translate to more support for marriage rights. However it is the law, which ultimately dictates on the right to gay marriages. The right of the individual to exercise his choice on his personal matters would ultimately be given to him, to enable him to select the gender of his partner. When South Africa’s highest court recognised same-sex marriages and decided to extend legal marital rights to gay couples, it became the first country to do so in a continent, which condemns homosexuality. It must be noteworthy to mention here that South Africa’s constitution is one of world’s most advanced and progressive constitutions. Constitutional reforms are important for any society to meet its trends and demands. Conservative societies should recognise and be willing to accept newer trends and passions. Just like racist discrimination was ruled out, a new dawn awaits the universal removal of discrimination to gay marriage; a dawn when all gay couples can live happily with all rights and liberties, without any fear or discrimination. â€Å"Although we cannot find that a fundamental right to same-sex marriage exists in this state, the unequal dispensation of rights and benefits to committed same-sex partners can no longer be tolerated under our state constitution,† said New Jersey Supreme Court Justice Barry T. Albin, while offering equal rights to same-sex couples.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Education too has an important role to play in understanding homosexuality. Understanding the demands and options of today’s lifestyle, is very crucial for any individual, and one should have the relevant education to take appropriate decisions. Our traditional educational policies should be revamped with the realities of today. Educators must let people know to what extent the law currently permits one to select the gender of the person he or she wishes to marry. Educators must be prepared to transform individuals as responsible persons capable of loving, marrying and raising a family, irrespective of the gender of the partner he or she would be married to. Recognition of same sex relationships as being equal to traditional marriages would drastically redefine the meaning of family (Knight, 1997). Educational policy makers should realize that they hold a sacred duty of imparting education and social skills incorporating relevance to homosexual society too. As the legalization of homosexuality and gay marriages are slowly but steadily gaining ground, one thing is clear; these steps will always progress in the same direction. Therefore education must also keep up closely in the same direction for the welfare of its beneficiaries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The legislators have a moral responsibility to provide and ensure proper implementation of the marriage rights of gay couples, as civil and partnership laws cannot provide the same benefits as that of marriage (Johnson, 2007). The educators have a responsibility of not only transforming the society to be receptive of gay marriages, but also ensuring that gay couples succeed in every aspect of life. The society as a whole should not only integrate gay couples into its fold, unconditionally, but also be fully prepared to welcome newer lifestyle changes of tomorrow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   REFERENCES Don Willmott (2004) The Wedding Banquet [Electronic version]. Retrieved on March 19, 2008 from Berardinelli, James (1993) The Wedding Banquet [Electronic version]. Retrieved on March 19, 2008, from Salazar C. New York man files complaint against Polish president for anti-gay marriage speech. International Herald Tribune (19 Mar, 2008) [Electronic version] from American Psychological Association. Sexuality [Electronic version]. Retrieved on March 19, 2008, from   2008 Piazza M.S. Homosexuality and Christianity [Electronic version]. Retrieved on March 20, 2008, from Robinson B.A, (2008). The Buddhist religion and homosexuality [Electronic version]. Retrieved on March 18, 2008, from Corvino John. Why shouldn’t Tommy and Jim have sex? A defence of homosexuality. Same Sex: Debating the ethics, Science and Culture of Homosexuality, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. (1997). Bidstrup Scott, (2004). Gay Marriage: The arguments and the motives [Electronic version]. Retrieved on March 18, 2008, from Knight Robert,. How domestic partnerships and Gay marriage threaten the family. Insight bulletin, Family Research Council. (1997) Johnson, Ramon. (2007) Gay marriage around the world. [Electronic version]. Retrieved on March 20, 2008, from

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Chis passed away 3 days later at the age of 41. Chris died naturally, and that was the way he wanted it. Today, people have options in death. Physician assisted suicide is defined by Merriam Webster, as â€Å"suicide that is carried out with the help of a doctor† (Merriam Webster). It is usually carried out by a lethal dose of medication which makes you fall asleep and then stops your heart. The process usually takes about 30 minutes. It could look something like this, and you would drink it from a straw. Show the glass with the mixture and a straw. It takes about this much to kill a grown man. Physician Assisted Suicide is currently an option offered in four states and has been considered in forty six others. Today, I am here to talk about Physician Assisted Suicide, and how it should not be legal in any state. Most of us, especially at our age, don’t really don’t think too much about terminal illness and death, but a terminal illness could happen to anyone of us, or someone we love or care about. Physician assisted suicide is not legal in Minnesota, but it is legal in Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Montana. This is a hotly debated issued because there are such strong opinions on both sides. Those in favor of Physician Assisted believe that each person when faced with their own inevitable death, deserve the right to end their lives on their own terms without pain and suffering. Those that oppose any legislation to believe it violates the physicians fundamental Hippocratic oath which is to â€Å"Do No Harm,† and that it is a dangerous and slippery slope. Jane St. Clair who founded an organization called The Compassionate Choice, lost her mother, father, and sister to cancer. She wrote that Physician Assisted Suicide ... ...a life, the caregiver is able to offer medications, treatments, as well as a willingness to listen and provide support and guidance through a very difficult time. This can make the experience much easier for the patients and their families. Even though Physician Assisted Suicide is currently not being considered in Minnesota, there are ways we can support the efforts to not have this be legal in any state. Please consider becoming a part of the pursuit of ending Physician Assisted Suicide by joining the many established national disability organization that oppose assisted suicide. They include: The National Council on Independent Living, The National Spinal Crd Injury Association, The Disability Right Education and Defense Fund, and the National Council on Disability. By becoming involved you can help each state be free of Assisted Suicide. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Advertising Strategies in Sri Lankan Market

FMCG Product – Panadol Advertisement Most of Panadol advertisements are really consistent with Brand Identity . This advertisement also carries the brand identity well. When we analysis this advertisement, it is a reinforcement advertisement while educating customers how to use the product. Panadol is mass product but different advertising campaigns run to attract each segment such as middle class customers, upper class customers, children, elders and some sickness and general brand building advertisements. Each campaign is not badly affected on the other segment .If we compare this advertisement with Three wheeler driver and the self-employed mother advertisement we can understand the difference well. But all campaigns carry the Brand identity well. This advertisement was targeted upper middle and upper level customers who are educated enough to decide their OTC drugs without getting doctor’s recommendation. Non educated mother never do it without asking doctor. Brand is more prominent throughout the advertisement. Brand positioning is also well establish in this advertisement. Panadol is trust painkiller for many years in Sri Lanka and people believe it is best solution for small sickness.This advertisement also show the trustiness of happy mother with three children Consumer Insight Consumer insight of this panadol advertisement is that the mother is a family knows about her children well than any other person and mother’s caring is not compare with anybody else. Our mother knows how much we eat, how much we drink, what we need, what we like and dislike and children are so bonded with mother than father. Mother’s primary responsibility to care all her children. She is the family member who decide what and how much for each person.This insight is true in majority of Sri Lankan families. Even elder children are depend on their mother. Sometime, even father is depending on mothers opinion for this kind of situation. Advertising Idea Panadol wanted to use this insight and educate customer to use Panadol as OTC drug for their children without doctors’ prescription. But due to it is drug, they should use the perfect dosage. Therefore , the person who gives medicine for children should be well aware about this. And Mother is the perfect person for this. However, she should follow the age and weight of child to decide the dosage.With panadol box images advertisement well explain the dosage and benefits of the product.. Relevance to Brand and the Consumer It is relevance to brand and consumer both. By educating target customers how to use it as OTC drug, they can achieve the brand targets . it is the perfect way to use the panadol for children. We know for sure, for elders, two panadol is enough. But for children, the ml dosage is varying with the age and weight. Some mothers just do it as doctor prescribe only. But if you know the age and weight we can do it ourselves. This advertisement carry this message to consumer.Every mother knows the age of her children and weight with immunization record book. Further weight measurement for toddler and kids are primary responsibility of mothers. Therefore it is difficult to convince the message and consumer or parents are more confidence about what they give to her child. Use of Symbols and Colors Panadol is a mass product and their advertising campaigns are targeted for each segment. This advertisement was for middle, upper level customers , specially educated mothers to reinforce the brand. They are more forward to take own decision. The mother of the advertisement shows the target market well.Environment of the advertisement school children’s water bottle, and the house environment shows the target market precisely. Orange, red and mixed yellow has used to keep the brand constancy of brand colors. And blue, pink and green used to highlight the children for water bottles. Kitchen, and rack of medicine also indicate the middle and upper level consumers Product and brand is well established in the advertisement. Mother ( model ) is giving high attention to bottle of Panadol and box of panadol is highly emphasizing with the brand. That means brand and the product is the hero of the advertisement.Consumer Learning and Involvement It is a cognitive learning for consumers. They have to understand how to use the product. Before give panadol for little children ( specially infants and kids) mother or parents should know about exact dosage for their child. With the growth of child, dosage is changing. The chart of the box of Panadol well explain it and advertisement also try to get attention to that by high lighting three age limits with different dosage. This product is low involvement product. Customer do not need or research extensively before buying panadol. It is OTC drug more similar to FMCG products.However this advertisement is not fully emotional ad to create emotional feeling of customers.. It is educating custom er to think before use Panadol for children by showing how to use panadol for different age. Customer insight is used to bring the emotional feeling with showing mothers’ day today life extend to caring her children. Suggestions to Improve Overall this Panadol advertisement is good enough to educate target customers to use the correct dosage for children and it is mx of rational and emotional advertisement. However there are some improvements can be suggested as well.The model they use for mother is not preciously matching to target audience. If a mother has three children, she should be 30 plus ( average). And this model is too young for the real mother position. They have not use three children there. But use three water bottles and some cartoon dolls to explain about three children. They could use three children from different age limit with situation where they can use Panadol before going to doctor consultation. Such as small increase in temperature etc. Durable Product – Singer Washing Machine Buying a Washing Machine is a high involvement decision and Singer has done it is other way around.By using customer insight, they have convert this high involvement rational decision to low involvement and more convenience product similar to FMCG product as a gift giving with a surprise to wife. This advertisement is encourage the middle level consumers to buy a washing machine with easy payment option. Consumer Insight In Asian culture including Sri Lanka , middle class house wives are more indirect demanders. They never asking what they need from husband but to expect husband to understand all her needs and fulfill. House wife do all the home work and husband take the responsibility for earning and spending too.Sometimes Spending will do together. But due to wife is not earning, she is more towards to other way. However, every women love to have many electronic items at her home even though it is necessary or not. If we look at middle income level houses, ladies are more towards collecting those durable items. Advertising Idea This advertisement has used this insight of women and the culture to encourage men to think about their wives and fulfill their needs to have better family life. Advertisement shows the difficulty of women face at home which is not always visible to husbands due to they are away from home day time.But wife do great job with caring the come. However, middle income level people do not have the affordability for a washing machine. That is the main reason that wife also not demanding such expensive item, even though she love to have one. Advertisement offer the solution by offering easy payment option. Relevance to Brand and the Consumer Signer is not a premium brand but offer durable products. Therefore depending only on high income earners will not enough and all companies and brands who are in the industry is expending the target market with different approaches.Easy payment option is the best method to encourage this segment. It clearly explained the relevance of product and brand showing the requirement of the product for clothes cleaning. From the point of customer also, it is highly relevant. We all need to clean our clothes and when the number of family members is increasing, this is a major task of house wife’s everyday life. Use of Symbols and Colors This advertisement try to use symbols and colors to convey the message well keeping the brand identity too. To demonstrate the middle income level family they have use the urban flat house. The seriousness of washing and leaning is showing with extended family, wife, husband, one child and grand father too. House wife is well demonstrate, she is cleaning clothes alone and preparing meals and serving to family members. All others are waiting on dining table. Color usage of the advertisement is not very much effective. Blue, yellow and red used for clothes, but it is not consisted with the Singer Brand. To demonstrate the c onsumer insight, they have used the grandfather to create the credibility of the insight ( Ganu Kawada da hitha Kiwwe) Brand and the product is well established. The need of product is highly emphasizing.Showing the actual product and the brand, advertisement try to get the attention from viewers for the brand and product Consumer Learning and Involvement This area is debatable in this advertisement. Normally durable products are high involvement decision making and consumer learning also high. It should be cognitive learning of how to use, benefits, features etc. However , this advertisement is created based on totally consumer insight mention above arose the emotional feeling of consumers to think about house wife. Cognitive learning on this advertisement is to think about, how women think and their expectations.It is persuade to buy the product with easy payment system Suggestions to Improve As explained above , even though this is durable product, it has gone as low involvement product and use the consumer insight of surprising wife with gift giving. It is no argue, this insight is great to influence consumers. However, due to this is not a product which is just use and remove, it should be selected carefully. That message is not deliver through this advertisement. If it can explain the features of benefits, it will be more benefits for their buying decisions. It just say about easy payment method, but customer has to research about it.In that case it is high involvement decision. Further , they should use color in theme to distinguish the brand from other competitor brands. Because easy payment method is not a unique method for them, it is common to all other competitors too. They could use some nice song or music to remind the brand. Service Advertisement – Janashakthi Full Option Janashakthi full Option advertising campaign is encouraging customers to use the full option insurance which bundle some additional services. This campaign is integrated marketing communication campaign and Press advertisement is one medium which is extending from TV commercials.They have taken one last part of the TV commercial and emphasis the services they offer. Consumer Insight This entire campaign has built based on some unexpected difficulties in real life such as days without having daily income is more difficult, unexpected happing at special movement is really embarrassing our lives etc. Advertising Idea This entire advertising campaign based on this insight, when we have difficulties and missing something, our lives are not complete and we are not comfortable as well. Unexpected situations in life may not be avoided.We should have backup plans to make it easy when we face such a situation and insurance is one way to do it. Janashakthi full option offers some benefits to make customers life easy and great. Relevance to Brand and the Consumer Getting customer attention is very important for Brand and the product, motor insurance is highly competitive and need to keep consumers top of awareness is really value. This advertisement is reminding target customers having Full Option policy will make their life easy and great. Consumer also understand the need of insurance policy other than legal requirement. Happiness due to easy life is matter for everyone.Use of Symbols and Colors Usage of symbols to demonstrate the idea is great. They have taken the car rental driver went for wedding hire which is really important. Typical driverhas taken and insurance agents friendly service is well demonstrate with gentleman having hands on driver’s shoulders. Wedding car demonstrate the importance of the service. Color usage is really good by associating brand colors which is Yellow and Black. Logo and brand name is well establish, brand is hero not the models on ad. Services are well noted and contact number given for more information gathering. Consumer learning and involvementConsumer learning is just to get the fear of fac ing bit embarrassing situations and having the service remove their fears with happy face. Getting a motor insurance policy is little high involvement decision and they need to look at the core benefits and additional benefits they gain before take the policy. However, advertisement is not rational cognitive learning encouragement. It is feel advertisement with emotion and rational combination. Suggestions to Improve Due to Press advertisement, they could give more information to evaluate the service. Press is not like TV commercials creating great emotional feeling.Press is great to educate customers. When we look at this press advertisements, they just mention the services they offer and no much information given. Customer learning is less and if they need, they have to call and get the information. It is better to list the services with some good information to encourage customer to think and evaluate the service. Further this explain only one situation to make the fear on target customers, however, by using graphics , they could create different situations where we face difficult in real life. Combination of TV commercials. If they want to make only emotional appeal. It is the best way.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Compare Microsoft and VMWare for virtual computing Essay

There are two types of firewalls, there is the in-bound firewall that protects against all things that come into your computer. Then there is the two-way firewall. With this firewall it protects both inbound and outbound threats. This type is used quite often these days. Many computer only have a one-way firewall, but many of them like Zone alarm are two way firewalls. Firewalls are used to block or accept information into your computer that is not a threat. It will either send it to where it needs to be or it will block it if the potential of the file is threatening to your device. A type of firewall is your basic McAfee, which works with Microsoft Corporation on your basic computer it is a program that is already installed into your device. It is a virus protector that works with your computers already installed firewall to keep out and potential harmful viruses or threats to your computer. You can do basic setting for the firewall or you can put it to your liking to make sure of no type of threats can enter your computer. With the security of a computer it can get very complicating. You have to make sure you are aware of what you are using and how it operates in your system. In today’s society there are a million anti-virus software programs. Many of them have free versions and some just have trail versions you can test drive before buying the full version. McAfee and Norton have trail versions you can sample before getting the full version. With Panda, AVG, and other anti-virus programs they have a free version and full upgraded version you can use. When it comes to viruses and the types that get put onto your computer there are many of them. For example: the Trojan Horse, it is put into your computer by saying it is good for file converting or cleaning a system out, when it is really putting bad programs into your computer along with spyware and other potentially harmful programs. Just like when you go into your email and you see an email with a suspicious name, you click it and it automatically downloads something into your computer and you computers starts to malfunction. When it does this it is because the files that were put on your computer are basically eating up you memory. It is extremely important to keep your computers malware and anti-virus programs up to date to prevent any type of program getting into your system. When you back up a system you have different types of backups you can use. For instances you have your full back up which is where you can back up all your information onto a DVD-R or DVD-RW, so you can recover your system at a later time is it crashes or is lost. You should also look at your back up disks periodically to make sure they are in good form if needed to be used. You also have your deferential back up is where you can select certain things to back up and incremental back up is where your computer sets up a certain time after you have put so much into your system to back it up for later use if needed. Checking back up disks are extremely important to check as well to make sure that they are able to be used on the future. Also it is really important to burn your files to a disk not on your hard drive in case they are lost or damaged. Five passwords that are good to use in the way of remembering and using are, â€Å"Bab1eg1r!†, â€Å"Crazy8ight$†, â€Å"GoP!a1†, or â€Å"Playf00!† They can be used to help protect your passwords by replacing a letter by a number and capitalizing some of the other letters that you choose to use, along with using symbols of some sort. Another way of using passwords is using movie titles and shorting them to remember for instance, the day I left your mother to make our love stronger could be shortened by using the first letters of each word like this, â€Å"Tdilymtmols.† Also I can count the ways I love you, â€Å"Icctwily.† Many times the world went around, â€Å"mttwwa†. Honey I shrunk the kids,†Histk†. I love the way you love me, â€Å"iltwylm.† Many of my passwords were very strong in the aspect of how I wrote them. Passwords are very important and they have a good use to them. To keep people out of your system and protect you information as well as identity you really need to choose wisely and carefully on what ones you use.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Foo Fighters and UFOs

Foo Fighters and UFOs Foo Fighters and UFOs Foo Fighters and UFOs By Maeve Maddox Only recently have I come across the delicious term Foo Fighter. foo fighter: Any of various unidentified lights encountered by airborne forces during the Second World War (1939-45), interpreted variously as enemy weapons, natural phenomena, or alien spacecraft. OED According to a lengthy and informative article at, foo fighters were seen at sites all over the world during World War II: 1941: Indian ocean: 1942 Java Sea, Solomon Islands 1945 France The etymology of foo fighter is uncertain: The term is generally thought to have been borrowed from the often surrealist comic strip Smokey Stover. Smokey, a firefighter, was fond of saying, Where theres foo theres fire. (This foo may have come from feu, the French word for fire, or Feuer the German word for fire, or from Smokeys pronunciation of the word fuel.) A Big Little Book titled Smokey Stover the Foo Fighter was published in 1938. Foo may alternatively have come from either of the French words faux meaning fake, or fou, mad. The term flying saucer to describe an unidentified flying phenomenon dates from 1947. The term Unidentified Flying Object dates from 1950; the first documentation of the abbreviation UFO is from 1953. The abbreviation led to the coining of the unlovely word Ufology: the study of UFOs. Perhaps because UFO carries connotations of craziness, a new acronym has come into use: UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomenona. There’s a National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena dedicated to the study of UAP sightings. Whatever you call them, these strange aerial phenomena have been around for a very long time. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Direct and Indirect ObjectsEnglish Grammar 101: Verb MoodThe "Pied" in The Pied Piper

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Examine the presentation of Claudius in Act 1 Essay Example

Examine the presentation of Claudius in Act 1 Essay Example Examine the presentation of Claudius in Act 1 Paper Examine the presentation of Claudius in Act 1 Paper William Shakespeares Hamlet is a play of deceit, hypocrisy and most importantly revenge. The play is written in Shakespearean language, and is one of Shakespeares many classics. There are a few main characters in this play, which consist of Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia, but the character in question here is Claudius. Shakespeare, who is most famous for his creation of characters, which seem like real people, has portrayed Claudius as astute, cunning, but yet accomplished in a sense. The audience seem to make an immediate judgement of Claudius after Act ( scene ? as Shakespeare uses Claudiuss first speech to out line his character. Claudiuss first speech is very important and reflects his character and also the play. It primarily is about betrayal, incest, marriage and death. He talks about war, his newly beloved wife, his valiant brothers funeral, the Prince of Norway and Laertes. Shakespeares technique here uses a lot of juxtaposition mixed with alliteration for this speech. The main one is when Claudius is talking about Gertrude he says sometime sister which portrays incest. This is a very interesting choice of language because it has a double meaning. One being Claudius trying to say after Hamlet Seniors death he is in no way related to Gertrude. But when read into more detail he could have also said this to show the audience, incest. Alliteration and juxtaposition has been used again, when the ghost talks about Claudius, he says, A serpent stung me. This an excellent choice of juxtaposition as it makes the audience very curious. This is because the audience want to know how the King died, and also gets the audience thinking, because a serpent does not sting it bites. The alliteration here is again the sss sound. This is the sound of a snake, and a snake represents evil. There is one other occasion when Claudius is referred to as an animal, is when hamlet is doing a soliloquy and he says Hyperion to a satyr. This shows Hamlets sarcasm towards Claudius and also means Claudius is very hasty. Again in line 10 he uses juxtaposition. Defeated joy, is the term that is used here and Shakespeare has used this here because it is a shortened explanation of the next few lines. Here is a very important quote when Claudius says, With mirth in funeral and dirge in marriage which is exactly what he was talking about when he said defeated joy. This quote is basically showing how everyone is feeling, because one side of them is happy for Claudius and Gertrude getting married, and the other side till a certain extent they are still mourning the great kings death. In a sense just this little part of the speech already shows the link to the country with the king, and also shows how respected and powerful the king is, but also how conniving he is because he very cleverly moves on from Hamlet Seniors death to his marriage with Gertrude in the speech. Another very interesting line from the king is line 64 where again juxtaposition is used, but this time in a sentence, But now, my cousin Hamlet, and my son. This is a very good contradiction as he is trying to say, just because he is married to Gertrude, he is also Hamlets father. Shakespeare very cleverly shows this as it sums up Claudius in a sentence. It shows the king to be manipulative, and powerful. There are a few other techniques used in this speech. Body politic is used in line 4 where Claudius says brow of woe. Which shows he is a little bit upset because of his brothers death and this little sentence sums up everything. Repetition is another technique used by Shakespeare, where Claudius is talking to Hamlet about his father. The two words that are repeated three times are, father and lost. Shakespeare has used this technique to make Claudius emphasis his point. These few sentences are very important as they show another side to Claudius, the devious side. At first his care towards Hamlet is thought to be conscientious, as he tries very hard to stop hamlet from grieving and tries to show him its the course of nature. However, later on he says tis a fault to heaven, a fault against the dead, a fault to nature. This is Claudius trying to say it is a sin to grieve so much, not only to your father, but also to God, to the dead, and to nature. This is where the audience see the real side to him, which is vile and selfish. The structure of Claudiuss first speech can be broken down into five main parts. Shakespeare starts him off by talking about the death of Hamlet Senior, and his funeral. A few sentences after that he moves on to talking about marriage. For a speech that is over a 100 lines long, talking about the funeral for about 5 lines must mean the death does not mean a lot to him as he doesnt have a lot to say about it. Shakespeare has presented him like this to make him hated by the audience and can in a way be seen as a villain. After talking about the marriage he moves on to war and politics, and talks about Fortinbras and war with Norway, which shows his power and respect. Then he moves onto Laertes, and he asks him for any wish he will grant. This again portrays his power. Finally he moves onto hamlet. He explains why he thinks Hamlet should not go to his university. He says comfort of our eye this again is ironic because the audience see him as being caring but this quote could also mean they want to keep an eye on him. Here Claudius is speaking on behalf of him and Gertrude but is actually talking about himself. In conclusion Claudius, has been presented as cunning, desperate, in a sense clever, very respected and powerful. His character also comes across as the manipulative type, and always gets what he wants and if he doesnt would go to extreme measures to get it. The repetition and the body politic in this speech is fewer than the juxtaposition and the alliteration. I think Shakespeares combination of juxtaposition and alliteration work exquisitely together and the effects are substantial.