Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Chis passed away 3 days later at the age of 41. Chris died naturally, and that was the way he wanted it. Today, people have options in death. Physician assisted suicide is defined by Merriam Webster, as â€Å"suicide that is carried out with the help of a doctor† (Merriam Webster). It is usually carried out by a lethal dose of medication which makes you fall asleep and then stops your heart. The process usually takes about 30 minutes. It could look something like this, and you would drink it from a straw. Show the glass with the mixture and a straw. It takes about this much to kill a grown man. Physician Assisted Suicide is currently an option offered in four states and has been considered in forty six others. Today, I am here to talk about Physician Assisted Suicide, and how it should not be legal in any state. Most of us, especially at our age, don’t really don’t think too much about terminal illness and death, but a terminal illness could happen to anyone of us, or someone we love or care about. Physician assisted suicide is not legal in Minnesota, but it is legal in Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Montana. This is a hotly debated issued because there are such strong opinions on both sides. Those in favor of Physician Assisted believe that each person when faced with their own inevitable death, deserve the right to end their lives on their own terms without pain and suffering. Those that oppose any legislation to believe it violates the physicians fundamental Hippocratic oath which is to â€Å"Do No Harm,† and that it is a dangerous and slippery slope. Jane St. Clair who founded an organization called The Compassionate Choice, lost her mother, father, and sister to cancer. She wrote that Physician Assisted Suicide ... ...a life, the caregiver is able to offer medications, treatments, as well as a willingness to listen and provide support and guidance through a very difficult time. This can make the experience much easier for the patients and their families. Even though Physician Assisted Suicide is currently not being considered in Minnesota, there are ways we can support the efforts to not have this be legal in any state. Please consider becoming a part of the pursuit of ending Physician Assisted Suicide by joining the many established national disability organization that oppose assisted suicide. They include: The National Council on Independent Living, The National Spinal Crd Injury Association, The Disability Right Education and Defense Fund, and the National Council on Disability. By becoming involved you can help each state be free of Assisted Suicide. Thank you!

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