Friday, November 1, 2019

Personal Ethical Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Ethical Statement - Essay Example The rights of an individual must be protected. Therefore autonomy is at the core of my value system along with sensibility. Every situation is different and the actors in each are different. Hence, a rational tailor made solution to every situation would be completely wrong. Each situation must be viewed according to its own merits and a solution must be designed that best suits the situation and results in the greatest good for everyone involved. My strength is that I am optimistic about every situation and have the skills and mind of an entrepreneur. I am also very imaginative and this is a quality I am very proud of. I fall back on my experience to analyse the situation at hand and then use my intuition and imagination to solve problems. This has helped me solve a lot of problems and is the best approach to use. My value system allows me to view the situation from different perspectives through which I am able at analyse what is best for everyone involved. Another one of my strengths is that I believe in free will and everybody must do what is best for them and brings them joy. It is fine to want good things for you and everybody must have the freedom to decide that. There are a few weaknesses of mine that I have found from the Ethical Lens Inventory. One is that I assume that everyone has a clear sense of their own values. This has not been the case always and has resulted in me making some wrong decisions. Sometimes I tend go overboard exercising free will and fail to be accountable to those who are dependent on me. This is not right as I need to be accountable to people who people and act accordingly. This, even if not intentional, creates problems for those involved. My blind spot, as I have now learnt, is that I can be satisfied with too little good. That is, if I am satisfied with my own needs I might become complacent. But the right thing to do is to ensure that everybody is satisfied. As mentioned earlier, my core values are

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